The Bran Report

It's good for parts of you that you'd probably rather not think about.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Greasy Tea

I've told you before about Gainda Stores, which is essentially an off-license that also sells milk and cloves of garlic. I like to support them, partly because I've been going there since it was the St. Clement's Post Office, and partly because of the washing token débâcle (Good news: I can now afford to buy lunch every day this week).

Anyway, my milk of choice is semi-skimmed, also known as 'green' or, in America, 'half and half'. In this case, it's half milk and half the weird pseudo-cream that has built an Ahto city at the top of the milk.

I have tasted greasy tea. It's less disgusting than I make it sound.

Is this the price I pay for shopping local?


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