The Bran Report

It's good for parts of you that you'd probably rather not think about.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The rumour mill

I'm finding it difficult to stick to my previous resolve of not blogging about the people I work with. You see, audience, I have a sense. It tells me that you want to know the dirt.
Which of the bookmoving team was almost crushed by movable shelving units when they fell asleep in the bookstacks? You want to know which of us is in a relationship with a fighter pilot from the twenties. You want to know which of us admires Obi-wan Kenobi so much that they grew a beard "in tribute".
You want to know how much fragrant untruth I'm stirring in here to defuse the fact that I'm basically making a descriptive list of things it would be unwise to talk about. You want to know which of us is called "The Bullet", and the much-less-cool-than-you'd-think reason for that name.

In short, audience, my blogosense tells me that you want to know the trivial details of my life.


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